Friends of CBOP

You can help to support our mission of music education and outreach to the Palouse community by becoming a “Friend of CBOP”. Your gift is fully tax deductible and will help the band to keep the music coming!

How can I become a “Friend of CBOP”? Print out the Friends of CBOP form, complete the information, and send it with your check to Community Band of the Palouse, PO Box 1196, Pullman WA 99163.

My check should be made payable to…? Checks should be made payable to “Community Band of the Palouse” or to “CBOP”.

How will my gift be acknowledged? All gifts will be acknowledged by a thank you letter that includes information needed for your tax filing purposes.

Will my name be listed in your concert programs or anywhere else? If you give permission to list your name as a “Friend of CBOP”, we will list you in our concert programs. You may also choose “no” or “anonymous”.

It’s also quick and easy to donate via CBOP’s page on the Square website. Just send an email to if you would like a receipt for your donation!

If you have any questions about your donation, please contact us by sending email to